Club Tryouts Info
Key Dates & Deadlines​
Key Dates for 2023 GIRLS Club Team Tryouts
​​Girls Club Open House: Sunday, October 29, 2023, 12pm-2pm​
Girls Pre-Tryout Clinic
U12-U13: Wednesday, November 1st, 4:30pm-6pm ($30 per athlete)​
U14: Wednesday, November 1st, 6:30pm-8pm ($30 per athlete)
U15: Friday, November 10th, 4:30pm-6:30pm ($40 per athlete)
U16: Friday, November 10th, 7pm-9pm ($40 per athlete)
Girls Club Tryout Dates (Open/Club/Regional)
Session #1: Monday, November 6, 4pm-6pm
Session #2:Tuesday, November 7, 4pm-6pm
Session#1: Monday, November 6, 7pm-9pm​
Session#2: Tuesday, November 7, 7pm-9pm
Session #1: Monday, November 13
​Wave #1: 4pm-6:15pm
Wave #2: 6:45-9pm
Session #2: Tuesday, November 14
Wave #1: 4pm-6:15pm
Wave #2: 6:45-9pm
Session #1: Thursday, November 16
Wave #1: 4pm-6:15pm
Wave #2: 6:45-9pm
Session #2: Sunday, November 19
Wave #1: 9am-11:15am
Wave #2: 11:45am-2pm
Session #1: Friday, November 17, 5pm-7:30pm
Session #2: Sunday, November 19, 4pm-6:30pm
Last Call Session: Monday, November 20th
U15/U16 4pm-6pm
U17/U18 7pm-9pm
*Waves for U15/U16 will be assigned 3 days before tryouts​
*Not sure what age group to register for?
Take a look at the 2023-2024 USA Volleyball Age Definition Chart before you register!
How to Register for Tryouts
Tryout Costs and Late Registrations
Tryout Fee:
Due to the rising upfront costs for club teams (uniform deposits, tournament fees, etc.), we will be collecting a club team deposit at the time of tryout registration. This will be returned via the original payment method (credit card, ACH, or check) if an athlete is not selected for a team or does not accept their spot.
Girls Regional/Open/Club Team Tryouts​​: $75 NON-REFUNDABLE tryout fee per athlete (U12 will have a $55 NON-Refundable tryout fee )+ $325 REFUNDABLE club team deposit (will be returned promptly if athlete is not selected for a team)= $400 total due at registration (U12 $380 total due at Registration).
Tryout Deadline & Late Registrations:
Girls Regional/Open/Club Team Tryouts: Registration will close 3 days before tryouts for each age group begin!
*If you would like to register after these dates, you must contact NEVBC Tryout Coordinator, Angela Ho (, as well as the appropriate program director:​
Garrett Minyard for Girls Club/Open (
Shawn Hoyt for Girls Regional (
Teams We Plan to Field This Year
GIRLS CLUB & OPEN Teams we plan to run this year (subject to change): 18 Open, 18 Club, 17 Open, 17 Club, 16 Open, 16 Club (up to two 16 Club teams), 15 Open, 15 Club, 14 Open, 14 Club (up to two 14 Club teams), 13 Club, & 12 Club
GIRLS REGIONAL Teams we plan to run this year (subject to change): 3-4 teams in each of the U13-U16 age groups, and at least two teams in the U17 age group
Video Submission Option:
If you have to miss tryouts for any reason (including CIAC rules), we are also accepting video submissions as an evaluation tool. Here's what we are looking for:
15+ minutes of continuous match or practice footage
A 2-3 minutes highlight video
Please note that you will still have to register and pay for tryouts on League Apps, but just make a note that you'll be sending video instead of attending in person.
For Girls Club & Open Teams: Please send your submission to and at least 48 hours before tryouts start for your age group to ensure time for a thorough video assessment.